Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Just Fish

FG          : Kristanto Anggoro
Model  : Fish
Venue  : Museum Satwa Batu - Malang
Gear      : Nikon D3100 with Nikon 50mm

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

RAW or JPEG ... ??

Pengguna kamera DSLR atau Prosumer sering dihantui pernyataan mendasar sebelum memulai memotret: format file apakah yang akan saya pilih, JPEG/JPG ataukah RAW ??
Pada dasarnya kebanyakan kamera bekerja dengan cara seperti ini: Saat kita memencet tombol shutter, kamera akan merekam data mentah yang diterima sensor (baca RAW). Berdasar data ini, software di dalam kamera akan memutuskan beberapa parameter, misalnya seberapa jauh foto perlu dipertajam, setting white balance mana yang sesuai, berapa level eksposur yang dipakai, seberapa besar saturasi warna-nya dan seberapa besar beda kontrasnya dll. Setelah data tersebut diolah oleh software di dalam kamera ini selanjutnya dikirim ke memory card dalam bentuk file JPEG.

Beda RAW dan JPEG
RAW adalah data mentah yang langsung ditangkap sensor sedangkan JPEG adalah data matang yang sudah diolah oleh software kamera. 
Format RAW membuat kita bisa mengubah-ubah parameter pemotretan sesuka kita. Dengan bantuan software pengolah RAW (photoshop, lightroom, GIMP, ACDSee dll), kita bisa mengubah nilai eksposur, white balance, saturasi sampai kontras  untuk kemudian menyimpannya dalam format yang lain: JPG atau TIFF. 
Format file JPEG juga mengijinkan pengolahan foto yang lumayan banyak, hanya hasil dan cakupannya tidak seluas dan sebaik RAW. 
Tersedia juga format TIFF, namun sebaiknya tidak perlu dipakai karena ukuran file-nya sangat besar.

Keuntungan memakai RAW?
  • Kita bisa mengotak – atik file mentah menjadi foto matang sesuai keinginan kita.
  • Opsi pengolahan foto menjadi jauh lebih banyak sehingga mereka yang berjiwa super kreatif lebih terpuaskan
  • Informasi yang tersimpan lebih banyak  (jika anda memilih JPEG, kamera akan menghilangkan sebagian kecil data untuk memperkecil ukuran file dan mempercepat  proses pengolahan)
  • Kualitas foto secara keseluruhan lebih baik, ini berkaitan dengan adanya kompresi jika memakai JPEG

Kerugian memakai RAW ?
  • Memakan kapasitas hardisk dan memory card. Karena tidak ada proses kompresi, maka ukuran file RAW jauh lebih besar dibanding JPEG (sekitar 3 sampai 4 kali lebih besar)
  • Memakan waktu lebih banyak. Baik selama pemotretan (mengurangi kecepatan kamera terutama dalam mode burst) maupun selama pengolahan di komputer (karena ukuran file-nya)

Jadi Format Apa Yang Sebaiknya Dipilih?
  • Jika anda punya hardisk diatas 500GB, memory card minimal 4GB dan sedang memotret moment (atau orang atau tempat) yang istimewa, pilihlah mode RAW
  • Jika anda sedang memotret hal “biasa” atau butuh memotret berondongan (burst), atau hanya memiliki kapasitas hardisk dan memory card pas-pasan, pilihlah mode JPEG.
  • Atau ambil jalan tengah jika anda punya kapasitas hardisk dan memory card yang berlebih: pilih mode RAW + JPEG (kamera akan menyimpan 2 format sekaligus)
(source Belfot)

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Practice Product Photography #3

On photo above i'm using light painting method. Exposure time is about 1-5 second on very dark room and for the light source I'm using flashlight about 1 second on top of eye glesses. I'm using my favorite 50mm lens, tripod, and shutter release (or timer mode work well). 

In this photo I simply use my 50mm attached on ext-tube. With flash and diffuser on top of my camera. I'm using macro technique to make this photo. Because I want to expose the detail and scratch on this gas lighter. 

Hope you all enjoy my photo ... :D

FG : Kristanto Anggoro
Model : Eye Glasses n Gas Lighter
Gear : Nikon D3100 with 50mm F/1,8 and Ext-Tube
Strobe : Nikon Sb-600 with DIY Diffuser

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Syrphus Ribesii

Syrphus ribesii is a very common hoverfly found along hedgerows, in garden and woods. Adults feed on the nectar of flowers, while the larvae are predators of aphids. This hoverfly has multiple broods and adults are seen throughout spring and summer, while the larvae survive the winter as pupae. It creates a hum when resting by vibrating its wings.

Syrphus ribesii has roounded, black body with pattern of yellow spots and brands. This is just one of large group of very similar hoverflies which can be found in a variety of habitats. Many hoverflies are very difficult to identify, requiring microscope to look at tiny character including the shape of the veins in the wings. But macro lens nowadays are capable to do that. (Source Wildlife Trust)

I hope you all enjoy my photo... :)

FG : Kristanto Anggoro
Model : Hoverfly (Syrphus Ribesii)
Venue : Backyard
Gear : Nikon D3100 with 50mm F/1,8  and  Ext-Tube  attached
Strobe : Nikon Sb-600 with DIY diffuser

Friday, July 11, 2014

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014

Smoke Art Photography

FG : Kristanto Anggoro
Model : My Cigarette Smoke
Venue : My Room
Gear : Nikon D3100 with 50mm F/1,8 attached
Strobe : Nikon Sb-600

Hope you all enjoy my photo ... :D

EV Compensation Explained

What is EV button and what it does...???

To put it simply, the EV button allows your to quickly underexpose (darken) or overexpose (brighten) your image. How it works is pretty simple. When you’re taking a photo, the camera’s job is to adjust itself by changing the shutter speed and/or apperture to properly expose your shot so that it’s not too bright or too dark. Some cameras do this better than others but that’s another story. When you play with the EV button, what you’re doing is telling the camera to either brighten or darken the photo from the optimal exposure it perceives. 

You can use the EV button in P (programed auto), S or Tv (shutter priority) or A (aperture priority) modes.

In P mode, the camera will adjust the EV by changing the shutter speed and/or the apperture. 
In S/Tv mode, since you set the shutter speed manually, it will adjust the aperture to compensate. 
In A mode, the camera will change the shutter speed since you manually control the apperture.
NB: You cannot use the EV button to under or overexpose your photo in M (manual) mode since you control both the shutter speed and aperture manually.
When to Use EV Compensation

- When you need more shutter speed
- When your subject is brighter/darker than your background
- Bright sky

So basically this EV button function is same as shutter speed and aperture in manual mode.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Mei Meifa

Hope you all enjoy my photo ... :D

FG : Kristanto Anggoro
Model : Mei Mifa
Venue : Malang
Gear : Nikon D3100 with 50mm F/1,8 attached
Strobe : Nikon Sb-600

Beauty in Black and White

FG : Kristanto Anggoro
Model : Elbella Jeane and Angel
Venue : Malang
Gear : Nikon D3100 with 50mm F/1,8 attached
Strobe : Nikon Sb-600

Hope you all enjoy my photo ... :D

Angry Spidey

This spider's face reminded me angry bird game on android. Black shape above his eyes like angry eyebrows. Just like the characters in the game angry bird. As well as huge teeth like rabbits makes it even more funny. But this is also the type of spider that hard to find. I've photographed a lot of spiders but this is the first time I found a spider like this.

I hope you all enjoy my photo... :)

FG : Kristanto Anggoro
Model : Angry Spider
Venue : Backyard
Gear : Nikon D3100 with 50mm F/1,8  and  Ext-Tube  attached
Strobe : Nikon Sb-600 with DIY diffuser

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Set of Damselfly

Damselfly by Kristanto Anggoro on Viewbug

Cute Demoisele by Kristanto Anggoro on Viewbug

Domesele by Kristanto Anggoro on Viewbug

Demoisele Again by Kristanto Anggoro on Viewbug

When I photographed this damselfly, my biggest mistake is the use of flash. Which makes the wings of the damselfly is not transparent. It very difficult to photograph damselfly using ext tube and 50mm. Which makes it difficult is the distance between the lens very close to the object. While the damselfly it self very aggressive and unfavorable locations makes it more difficult.

But I will not give up. I'll try it again one day and I'm sure I'll be able to make a good photograph damselfly. And in the meantime I hope you all enjoy my photos of this damselfly... :D

Model : Damselfly
Gear : Nikon D3100  with 50mm and Ext-Tube attached

Strobe :Nikon Sb-600

Sunrise At Penanjakan Bromo

Morning Glory by Kristanto Anggoro on 500px

I hope you all enjoy my photo... :)

FG : Kristanto Anggoro
Venue : Penanjakan, Bromo Mountain
Gear : Nikon D3100 with 18-55mm VR

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

My Old City

My Hometown by Kristanto Anggoro on Viewbug

I was born and grew up in the city. I really love this city. And in this photo is the famous icon of the place where I was born and raised. I'm the Kotalama boy from city of Malang, Indonesia. And I'm so proud of it. I'm so proud to become Aremania.

My Hometown by Kristanto Anggoro on Viewbug

I hope you all enjoy my photo... :)

FG : Kristanto Anggoro
Venue : Kotalama Train Station
Gear : Nikon D3100 with 50mm F/1,8

Wet Caterpillar

I found this cute caterpillar in the backyard. It's length not greater than 1 centimeter. Immediately I took my spray and spray water to all over of the caterpillar's body. Finally I took photo of this wet caterpillar. Wait... this is not done yet.

After I photographed the caterpillar. I process the photo in Lightroom to increase sharpness and clarity. And fix the colour balance of course. The picture above is the final result after processing.

I hope you all enjoy my photo... :)

FG : Kristanto Anggoro
Model : Caterpillar
Venue : Backyard
Gear : Nikon D3100 with 50mm F/1,8  and  Ext-Tube  attached
Strobe : Nikon Sb-600 with DIY diffuser

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Coban Sumber Pitu

Sumber Pitu waterfall located in the village of Duwet Kradjan, District Tumpang, Malang, East Java, Indonesia. It is about 30 kilometers from downtown Malang, this is one of the largest springs in the village Duwet Kradjan. Pitu source comes from springs that appear in almost seven adjacent points. Interestingly, the springs are located on the cliffs and the water gushes out directly as a waterfall with large quantities of water.

Just Common Dragonfly

Dragonfly Head by Kristanto Anggoro on Viewbug

This is just a very ordinary dragonfly easily found everywhere. Especially during the afternoon before the evening. Or in the morning when the sun is not too hot. This dragonfly is a predator who is often hunting for small insects such as mosquitoes, flies and other small insects. In fact, sometimes it hunting insects with the same size or larger than themselves. 

Model : Dragonfly
Gear : Nikon D3100  with 50mm and Ext-Tube attached

Strobe :Nikon Sb-600

Cindy Ariesta in Yakuza Photo Session

FG : Kristanto Anggoro
Model : Cindy Ariesta
Venue : Sawojajar - Malang
Gear : Nikon D3100 with 50mm F/1,8 attached
Strobe : Nikon Sb-600